I have received phone calls, text messages, DMs and WhatsApp messages about people wanting to know the status/update for the Ekehuan Road construction. It’s important to separate facts from propaganda. Here are the facts:
- The contract for the dualisation of Ekehuan Road was awarded late 2019.
- Upon the contract being awarded, the contractor said the project will take 2 years to completion.
- Covid came and crashed everything and took one year, 2020, off the stipulated time. That wasn’t peculiar to Edo state. It was worldwide.
- After Covid, construction resumed late 2021.
- Late last year/early this year, inflation happened and prices of building materials started to soar.
- The contractors wanted their contract reviewed, to reflect the inflation difference.
- Their contracts were swiftly reviewed and approved by the Governor.
- Work resumed up until the heavy rain started.
- Currently, according to the Commissioner for Roads & Bridges, Engineer Newton, Ekehuan road is 67.9% complete.0
- Due to the heavy downpour of rain, work has slowed down on the road, but not after preparing a makeshift path for the people of Ekehuan.
- The Commissioner for Roads & Bridges, Engineer Newton, together with senior members of the Minstry of Roads & Bridges, held a town hall with members of EVERY community in Ekehuan axis.
- The Honourable Commissioner explained, in great details, the challenges they’re currently facing due to the heavy downpour. An understanding was reached with the members of the communities.
- The new completion date for the project is set at April 2024, which fits into the pre-determined 2year period for the completion of the road.